Don't Pay a Fortune to Promote your Website
by Jeff Wendland
If you are new to internet marketing, it can be a little intimidating to figure out the best way to promote your website with out spending a fortune. There is hope. It is not necessary to by into adwords or to pay for advertising banners on a host of websites to generate traffic to your site.
A very easy way to get your websites name out there is to use as many forums as you can. Be sure they are relevant to your website or to internet marketing though. These forums will be a great crash course for you. You should start by reading several of the posts and the stickys to pick up the culture of the particular forum you are on. After familiarizing yourself, you can begin to make posts.
Don’t start out by just plugging your site. Join into conversations and you can even start your own threads with your own questions. Joining in these chats will be a good way to get your website’s link in front of some eyes. Not by spamming your link in every message, but by posting your link in your signature box.
That way, with every post you can simply write about relevant topic to that thread and your links will show up in your signature box. This is a great way to drive some traffic to your site and to get an education by participating in the forums. There are thousands of forums out there too so if you work this, you will be driving some traffic to your site with out spending any money on advertising.
Another great way to get your site out there is by submitting your link, title and description to web directories. While some directories do require a fee or a reciprocal link, there are thousands of directories that provide free one way links. Submitting your website to directories will help you in two ways. One is when ever someone uses a directory for a search, they will find a link to your site. This really is a great way to drive traffic as not everyone wants to use the giant search engines for their searches. The second benefit of submitting to directories is that it provides links to your site which will help your search engine ranking. The higher your search engine ranking, the more traffic will come to your site. The majority of people do find their websites by submitting a search term to a search engine like Google or Yahoo. If you can get your website to the top page or two of these search engines you will be getting tons for free traffic with these organic search results.
My favorite way to generate traffic and links to your website is by submitting articles to article directories. Odds are good that you know a great deal about the theme and topic of your website, otherwise you probably would not have made the site.
This knowledge can make you an expert on this topic. You can write articles from 500-1500 words on any theme related to your site and submit them to the many free article directories on the net. This will work somewhat like the web directories except you are writing an article. At the end of your article, you will put a link to your website in a resource box.
Submitting your articles will help to bring traffic to your site in many ways. First, anyone who visits the article directory and reads your article is likely to follow the link to your site. Second, many other websites submit to an RSS feed which stands for really small syndication.
These RSS feeds will be picked up by other websites and posted as content, each with your resource box and a link to your website. This is yet another way to drive more traffic to your site. Submitting articles to article directories will also greatly improve your search engine ranking which will help to bring traffic to your site from people doing searches much like it does with the web directories.
Articles are even more effective then web directories because the article will be loaded with keywords that people search for with the link to your site being at the end of the article.
If you keep things simple and follow these steps, you will bring traffic to your site. It may take some time and work, but you will not have to pay a penny to advertisers. Like anything worth having, this will take some work, but the results for your website are worth it. So, what are you waiting for, get out there and start promoting your website today!