Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Google and The Sea

When I think about Google, I can't help but compare it to the Sea.
Both are immense, powerful, mysterious...
Millions are trying for years to unveil their secrets. Thousands of them drowned along the way.
Both have calm and clear water days...and then, with a single sign, comes the Tsunami that wipes it all. All the beliefs, hopes, profits...
Some don't give up. They keep rebuilding their sites, or I should say, their lives.They are persistent. Or stubborn? Or dreamers? Maybe a little of each.
Others choose to go back the their safe harbor, their comfort zone.
What they all hope is for the day, that so expected day! when they surf the Google wave and have the ride of their lives!!
By:Grace Alleshouse
When I couldn't fall sleep trying to figure out if I am being stubborn or just
another dreamer